The online seminars provide an opportunity for the student to learn how to do sustainable development without having to leave home. Each course is designed to equip them with the knowledge and skills which can be applied to daily life or in ministry.
The seminars are divided into five three hour sessions, taught over a one week period. Additionally the student will be asked to complete seven hours of research on the topics covered in the seminar. There will be two hands-on workshops that the student will need to duplicate with available resources and submit via e-mailed video for credit.
Available Seminars
Principles of Worldview and How it Affects Development | This seminar will challenge students to think biblically concerning all areas of life personally and in society and will encourage them to become agents of transformation in whatever spheres of influence the students are involved in. This seminar will also focus on the worldview effects ours decisions on resource stewardship. |
Fundamentals of Resource Stewardship | This seminar begins with an overview of the Biblical foundation of creation care. Topics include: recycling, food production, energy efficiency, water management, waste management and resource stewardship. |
Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture | In this seminar students will learn about the design and development of sustainable gardens that make use of natural resources already available in a particular location. This includes composting, tilling techniques, organics pesticides, and drip irrigation. |
Introduction to Aquaponics Systems | Principles of system design, construction, and operation of media and deep trough aquaponics systems are taught as tools to help empower people to grow their own food in situations where soil is poor or lacking. It will cover three different aquaponics designs with the pros and cons of each. |
Introduction to Water Technologies | Students will learn how to examine the characteristics of water sources available to communities, and how to distribute, pump, store, and purify water economically. Some topics are: water management, water catchment, water holding and sanitation, water purification and non-electrical pumping systems. The seminar will also cover basic construction of ferrous cement water tanks, and bio-sand filters. |
Basic Introduction to Community Technology | This seminar provides an overview of how technologies can be used to meet felt needs of a hungry and thirsty world and by doing so, to demonstrate God’s love for them in a practical way. The seminar will specifically provide a description of food, water, sanitation, shelter, and energy needs in various parts of the world, and it will provide a review of strategies currently available to meet some of these needs. |
Introduction to Renewable Energy | The purpose of this seminar is to equip participants with the practical understanding in appropriate technology (small-scale) applications that can help households and communities develop access to sustainable energy sources, and thus expand opportunities to enhance their quality of life. This will include discussions on solar, wind, and hydroelectric systems. |
Introduction to Building Technologies | This seminar provides a basic overview of construction skills and tools needed to complete building projects. A key goal of the seminar is to equip students for construction mercy ministries. Topics include: building materials-stone, wood, cob, cement; framing, basic electrical systems, roofing systems, as well as a biblical perspective on construction and understanding parallels between Christ as our foundation and the significance of strong foundations in building. |
Seminars 2024 Starting in January
- Resource Stewardship
- Principles of Worldview
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Community Technology
- Renewable Energy
- Water Technologies
- Aquaponics
***The cost of each seminar per person is US$50, you’ll get a certificate from the UofN and one credit with it if you have completed a DTS***