Outreach Update: FINAL Blog #6 and Graduation
Hello Everyone welcome to our last blog update regarding outreach. We are so glad you are here! We have decided to do two outreach teams one in Malawi and the other in a rural part of Costa Week. Weekly updates regarding both teams will be shared here. With our many different backgrounds, culture and spiritual gifting we have come together in this season to serve one Lord. Keep reading to hear what the Lord is doing through us!
*See graduation pics below
Costa Rica Update
Week 6

A big part of our time on base during week #6 was various base projects. Specifically, rebuilding the front entrance fence of the base so the updated YWAM Heredia sign could go up. Repairing and reconstructing pipe lines, cleaning dust off finished wood and placing saw dust into bags for chicken coup, and various other projects. Javon and Ange back home to the US, and Luciano and Regina who were already staff on base will go back to being staff. After debriefing as staff and students we are all grateful for all the ways God helped us grow personally and look forward to His next step of guidance for all of us.

Malawi Update
Week 6

We started off the week by moving to partner with Cleber and YWAM Two Seeds. Once we arrived we unpacked and prepared ourselves for the work and ministry we were about to perform. Jackson did some kids ministry by the front of the house, then the team went to help sort out food and supplies that went out to 34 elderly, the YWAM base is providing monthly food packages for. We formed a fire brigade to move supplies outside where we sorted it into sacs. After finishing we returned home with an envoy of kids that we played with. The following morning we went to the community center for worship and intercession with the local YWAM leaders. Benji led worship along with Pastor Luis, Jackson gave a devotional about following the truth that is Jesus before Alison taught on the eighth value of YWAM which is „Being interdenominational and international.“ After Alison finished we prayed for the community, the leaders, and other various topics. It was a beautiful experience of people from different nations, interceding together for one kingdom and learning from one another! Later that day we got to learn how to make a pole out of PVC and concrete to be able to grow dragon fruit – a community development project of YWAM Two Seeds. In the afternoon the team went on a trip to a dam with a group of pre-teenagers and leaders, where Jackson got baptized by Cleber and Heidi. A great celebration! On the morning of day 3 Jackson, Alison, Benji, and Cleber all climbed a mountain to prepare for the day, the team then went and taught at a school to 120 children. After teaching them English, music, and giving them some encouraging words we went outside and exercised, danced and sang with them. In the afternoon Benji and Jackson went to play in a soccer match in the village, while Alison, Jill and Heidi went to minister to a group of teenage girls and young women encouraging them to trust the Lord with their dreams and to use time preparing for their dreams to come true. We were also blessed to serve an elderly women and her family by making 500 bricks in the morning, and praying for her daughter who has leprosy. We also prepared to make a fire swatter, which is an appropriate technology and comprised of a wooden pole, rubber from old tire, and screws. While the broom was being made, Alison and Benji prepared some rabbit and vegetables for dinner. Friday morning we left the village and got our car back from Debbie and Cleber’s house. After saying our goodbyes, we made our way to a game reserve for some much enjoyed resting time. Reflecting on this week the team wonders what God is stirring in all of our hearts for the ending of our season in Malawi and the ones ahead.

As both teams have completed graduation and are back home with families we want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read these updates and have supported us financially. The ministry that we were able to do was possible due to your obedience to the Lord to faithfully give. Especially thank you for your prayers!